All about the elimination of the veins of the legs: as operation, reviews, rehabilitation

In the majority of cases, conservative therapy is not effective, that is why it is necessary to carry out the surgical operations. Do in such cases:

  • extensive varicose veins, which occupies the greater part of the vein;
  • acute phlebothrombosis or pulmonary embolism;
  • incorrect expansion of saphenous veins,
  • the presence of edema in the legs;
  • violation of the circulation of the blood in the venous system;
  • progressive trophic ulcers, not responding to medical treatment;
  • chronic fatigue legs and motility.

Limitations and contraindications

Unfortunately, not all can carry out surgical intervention in spite of the severity of the disease. The operation is not carried out in the following cases:

  • execution of the disease condition, when the operation does not produce effective results;
  • at the same time, the hypertension 3 degrees, ikhs ;
  • sepsis or other inflammatory and infectious processes in the body;
  • age over 75 years;
  • pregnancy 2 and 3 quarter;
  • diseases of the skin in the period of exacerbation (eczema, contact dermatitis, erysipelas, etc.).

Types of operations on the veins of the lower extremities

Today medicine can offer several options of operations on varicose veins of the lower limbs:

  • complete removal of the vein or phlebectomy;
  • removal of diseased sections of veins or mikroflebektomiyu;
  • laser coagulation with a laser knife;
  • RF ablationem;
  • sclerotherapy;
  • Phlebectomy.


To treat soft microinvasive surgical interventions due to the fact that it eliminates the damaged fragments of the vessel.

The advantage of this method is the absence of postoperative complications, because the operation is performed through small punctures.

This reduces the period of rehabilitation and aesthetic improvement of the effect.

Laser removal

So is the treatment of varicose veins with laser Expensive operation that is based on the removal of small varicose veins with a laser knife. The operation in the effect of laser beams on a vessel causing the blood clot, and the vessel is closed and separated. In the future Vienna solved.

The advantages of the operation in the absence of surface defects and short recovery period. Immediately after surgery the patient can go home on their feet. operations

The ablation by radiofrequency

The method is an improved version of the previous method, which is the less dangerous and traumatic of all.

Thanks to him you can remove the veins of any caliber up to the veins, nodes, without the use of anesthesia. The rehabilitation period is not necessary, because for two weeks already actively in operation.

But it is worth noting that, in some cases, the effect is not better than after a laser removal.

Compression sclerotherapy

This method is difficult to call exploitation. It is based on the use of sclerosant is a substance that's special that, when introduced into the ship becomes a cord fibrous. The injection is done several times and only by the veins of small caliber.

For the realization of the sclerotherapy doesn't need anesthesia, so it is mainly used for those who have an intolerance to anesthesia. This, however, requires a long rehabilitation period. The patients have to wear compression tights for a minimum of 3 months.

The effects of the surgery

After surgery on the veins of the lower extremities probable complications that surgeons are required to warn their patients in advance. All of these complications that arise in the different stages of the manipulation, and depends on factors such as:

  • method of surgical intervention;
  • the phase of decline the process and the amount of work;
  • the choice of anesthetic and method of administration.

Based on these factors, the risk of complications is different, as well as the methods of its elimination. Of course, to traumatic and dangerous method is phlebectomy. Because offendimus all the tissues of the lower extremities, a high probability of complications. The most basic of them:

  • aseptic inflammation of the skin around the joints;
  • the formation of filaments which accumulates in the blood, with redness and pain sensation;
  • secondary inflammation due to the bacterial infection;
  • the bleeding of the wound;
  • important inflammation due to trauma to the lymphatic vessels and nodes in the groin area;
  • thrombosis of the deep venous system as the result of the constant bed rest without preventive measures (use of stockings of compression, minimal physical activity and taking medications that improve blood rheology);
  • blue and exasperatur seams in place of surgical intervention;
  • relapse and the progress of the disease.

Actions in the first days after the surgery

As soon as the patient wakes up after anesthesia, it is necessary to move the limb as possible. In the set of exercises including rotation in the knee and the ankle joint, flexion and extension of the legs. The most important thing is not to exaggerate, not to make things worse.

On the second day of the surgery make the dressing, after which he put on special clothing, knitted fabrics or made tight bandaging of the feet.

Limb it is desirable to raise, for improve the circulation of the blood. In any case, the operation of the stations can not be wet, and also to visit the baths, as can stitches. If the patient feels feverish, it is necessary to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, then be sure to seek medical attention. In cases of leg edema, it is desirable to reduce the burden of physical.

After 9-10 days the stitches are removed. Assigns individual rehabilitation. Complete recovery occurs according to the stage of the disease and the physical condition of the person. removal

Rehabilitation and prevention consists of the following conditions:
  • The change in life-style and physical activity of patients;
  • Power correction after the surgery;
  • The compression of the therapy in the postoperative period.

The change in life-style and physical activity of patients

As one of the main reasons for varicose veins are lack of exercise, for a quick recovery and healing recommended walks in the fresh air every night, special exercises without weights, walking on the "toes" and "heel", the Cycling, the circular motion in the joints of the lower extremities, exercise "scissors" and foot massage and sound sleep.

Power correction after the surgery

Excess weight contributes to the recurrence and progression of the disease according to this, if the patient is obese, it is vital to change your diet: reduce calories, foods to diversify the diet change. It is recommended to only consume lean meats, fish and sea, fish, dairy products, cereals, vegetables, fruits, berries and nuts. As the day that you need to drink about 2 litres of plain water.

What else you need to remember patients

Patients should remember that the formation of a gap occurs during 3 months. Then formed a scar. At this time should be carefully operated to treat the portion of a member of:

  • Do not rub the area after rough and tough sponges in the shower, and the use of cosmetics scrub. Use the soft cloth or simply wash your hand.
  • Water for the bath should be warm.
  • It's not worth trying to remove iodine, brilliant green or other bright antiseptics at the same time, which will cause unnecessary friction.
  • If the incision itches, apply the iodine, will provide an effect antiseptic and will remove the itching.
  • Not worth to cut cover on their own, they themselves disappear.
  • If the seam is red or about him seemed strange spots, contact your doctor.
  • Try to protect yourself from the stress and worries unnecessary.